Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy


​IDEX Consulting is committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and similar human rights abuses. Additionally it is committed that everyone who works for IDEX Consulting and any candidates it supplies to its clients are not subject to behaviour or threats that could amount to any of the above. This policy is created in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


IDEX Consulting recognises that there is a risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in relation to:

  1. Our own employees and the recruitment of our own employees.

  2. The recruitment and placement of candidates for our clients.

  3. Our supply chains related to the purchase of goods and services.

We understand that there is a higher risk of modern slavery where workers are in lower skilled employment, away from home and/or working in temporary positions. We also understand that modern slavery and human trafficking risk is more prevalent in certain sectors and geographies. We recognise that the sectors and roles we work within result in this being a lower risk, however, are vigilant and take our responsibilities seriously in ensuring we are committed to the elimination of this within society.


One of the core pillars of the IDEX strategy is ‘working smart and we have robust processes within our business which include:

Our contracts of employment comply with the relevant local laws and ensure that individuals are entitled to at least the legal minimum rights in relation to hours, pay and termination of the contract, which is set out in a written document.

  • We have appropriate procedures in place for conducting background checks on employees and candidates including their right to work.

  • No employee or candidate will ever be charged direct or indirect fees to obtain work from us or by us when acting for a client.

  • We ensure strict compliance checks are carried out for all candidates we supply. This includes verifying the identity of each worker and their right to work before placement commences.

  • We seek to have long term relationships with our key suppliers and we expect them to make commitments to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and similar human rights abuses.

  • Our Senior Leadership Team receive training in identifying and resolving concerns around modern slavery and human trafficking.

  • Everyone who works for IDEX is provided this policy, receive awareness-raising information around issues involving modern slavery and human trafficking and encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions they might have to a Board Director.

  • We expect everyone at IDEX to comply with all laws and act in accordance with local guidelines and regulations and act with integrity and honesty. Should any of our colleagues need any additional information or support with regard to human trafficking, forced labour, servitude and slavery, this will be provided.

To date we have had no reported instances or suspected instances of modern slavery or concerns raised. However if this is reported, the issue would be investigated immediately and given the required resources to promptly and effectively take the required action. This would fall into the remit of the Strategy and Sustainability Director, or in their absence, the Finance Director.

Actions taken include but are not limited to:

  • Working with the organisation to improve their standards.

  • Stop working with that organisation.

  • Pass the details to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

This policy is owned by the Board with the responsibility for ensuring it is up to date and accurate with the Strategy and Sustainability Director.